Thursday, January 29, 2015

Deleting Metro Apps for all users in Windows 8.1

If you get OEM machines, you may get a bunch of applications preinstalled.  The normal applications can be removed from Add/Remove programs.  Some, specifically from the store or ‘Metro Apps’ can only be uninstalled per user.  Creating a new user will reinstall the applications.  To delete these, you will need to user Powershell.
The following code will remove the any provisioned application that has the name *evernote*, so it will no longer be installed for any new user.  It will also uninstall it for the current logged on user.  It will NOT uninstall it for any other user accounts.  This will need to be run as administrator:

Foreach ($AppName in $AppsToDelete)
    get-appxprovisionedpackage -online | where packagename -like $AppName | remove-appxprovisionedpackage -Online
    Get-AppxPackage -name $AppName -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

You can also use the variable $AppsToDelete as an array, and delete multiple (This will delete applcations with the following in the name:  Evernote, Accuweather, Kindle, Companion, Quickcast, LenonoSupport, LenovoSettings, Symantec, YouSendIt, Zinio:

Foreach ($AppName in $AppsToDelete)
    get-appxprovisionedpackage -online | where packagename -like $AppName | remove-appxprovisionedpackage -Online
    Get-AppxPackage -name $AppName -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

Once major problem is it wont uninstall the application for users that have already had a profile created, and the application installed for them.  They will need to uninstall the application individually.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Show Hidden Files

To Show hidden files on Windows:

Windows 98:

Open Windows Explorer

Select the Tools menu and select Folder Options…

Select Show all files and click OK


Windows 2000:

Start Windows Explorer

Select the Tools menu, and select Folder Options…

Select Show hidden files and folders, and Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended)

Click Yes to the warning, and click OK.



Open My Computer

Open the Tools menu, and select Folder Options…

Select the View tab, and unselect Show hidden files and folders, and Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). 

Click Yes to the warning

and click OK



Open Computer

Press and hold the ALT Key on the keyboard, and select the Tools menu, and select Folder Options…

Select Show hidden files and folders and unselect Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). 

Click Yes to the warning, and click OK.


Windows 7:

Open Computer

Press and hold the ALT Key on the keyboard, and select the Tools menu, and select Folder Options…

Tick Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and unselect Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)

Click Yes on the warning, and click OK


Windows 8 / 8.1:

Open File Explorer, click on the View menu and select Options…

Select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and unselect Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)

Click Yes on the warning, and click OK

Friday, January 16, 2015

Automatically Save Attachment in Outlook

To have Outlook automatically save an attachment when an email is received:
Open Outlook.
Press ALT-F11 to open the VBA IDE.
Right click the Microsoft Outlook Object and select Insert –> Module


Paste the following code, modify the saveFolder as appropriate:
Public Sub saveAttachtoDisk(itm As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim objAtt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim saveFolder As String
saveFolder = "N:\untangleReports\"
     For Each objAtt In itm.Attachments
          objAtt.SaveAsFile saveFolder & "\" & objAtt.DisplayName
          Set objAtt = Nothing
End Sub

Save the Project and close the editor.

On the Home tab, select Rules –> Manage Rules & Alerts

Select New Rule…

Choose Apply the rule on messages I receive and click Next

Select which has an attachment and click Next

Select Run a Script, and press a script (in Step 2)

Select the saveAttachtoDisk (the project number may vary, depending on what macros you have)
and click OK

Click Finish

You may receive the following warning if you are connected to an Exchange server.  This means it is a client side rule, and Outlook must be opened for the rule to work.  Click OK.

Click OK

You can also customise the rule to configure it to only save attachments with specific subjects, specific attachment types, or from certain senders.  You can also configure Outlook to delete the email and mark it as read as well.
If you are saving the attachments to a network location, and the location doesn’t exist, the script may display an error, and Outlook may crash.  You should be able to open Outlook again and fix the network errors, or disable the rule.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Interesting regedit.exe tricks

I read an interesting post by Tim Barrett regarding regedit.exe tricks – here (new window).  You can spend hours looking at regedit.exe, but i never paid attention to the favourites menu!  My favourite trick is to use the export as text function to determine the last write time to that particular registry key.  EG: To determine when a change was made, right click on the key in question, and select export

In the Export Registry File window, select the location you wish to save the file, and select Save as type Text files (*.txt).  Give the file a name and click Save.

Open the saved file in notepad.  In the example, you can see the registry key was last written on the 03/12/2014 at 1815. 

This can help determine when some issues occurred, or in particular cases …. who made the change.